LEAP-32: Standardizing LEAP Discourse


Simple Summary

We propose a new system for how LEAPs are proposed, discussed and eventually voted on.


LEAPs are a critical component to LYRA’s decentralized governance. Recently, we’ve seen some LEAPs stall for months on end, while others lack focused discourse in threads like #dao-chat. This is an efficiency that must be rectified.

This LEAP introduces a new system that streamlines the LEAP decision making process. This will substantially improve the effectiveness of Lyra’s decentralized governance.

We also propose two new LEAP specific Discord channels: #dao-public-comment (where community, CCs and Council discuss proposals) and #council-floor (a publicly viewable channel where only the Council and CCs can post their thoughts).


The following are observations made by the authors:

  1. There is no clear timeframe for passing a LEAP. Many LEAPs often have stagnant threads but no resolution to central problems. Consequently, these proposals exist in limbo until eventually pushed to a vote.
  2. Discussion in #dao-chat can often become unfocused, especially for contentious and broad LEAPs.
  3. There is a lack of formal structure around the discussion of the LEAP



As is currently the case, anyone at any time will be able to propose a LEAP.

When proposed, a thread with the draft LEAP will be made in #dao-chat by the author. This begins what we call the proposal stage. To pass the proposal stage, the LEAP has to have at least one Council "sponsor". The sponsor will work with the author to get the LEAP passed (perhaps with some edits).

The Proposal Stage:

  • The LEAP has 14 days to be sponsored by at least one Council member.

  • Sponsorship is indicated by a positive emoji react to the LEAP proposal. A negative emoji indicates the decision to pass (but not reject) on sponsoring the LEAP.

  • All Council members are required to declare their intention to sponsor (or not) within this time period.

  • If the LEAP does not acquire at least one sponsor by the end of this period, then it is rejected and has to be re-submitted.

  • When the LEAP has at least one sponsor, it can immediately move into the preliminary phase.

The sponsor(s) of the LEAP will offer the necessary momentum and general knowledge for navigating the debate and voting processes. This also serves as a filtering mechanism - poorly drafted LEAPs will not be selected or endorsed by Council members.

Once a LEAP passes the proposal stage, it enters a 3 phase process by which LEAPs are debated and voted on.

The phases are as follows:

  1. Preliminary Phase:

This occurs just after the LEAP is proposed and sponsored. Anyone (community, CCs, Council, etc) can comment and discuss the LEAP during this period. Debate during this phase will occur in a dedicated thread of a new Discord channel called #dao-public-comment. That is, inside #dao-public-comment there will be a sub-thread for each LEAP (as is the case for #dao-chat currently).

Changes to the LEAP can be made (add/remove in new sections, change parameters, etc) during this phase.

When proposed, the LEAP author and sponsor(s) decides the length of the preliminary phase (capped at 14 days).

At the end of the preliminary phase, the Council (with a simple majority via a Discord emoji vote) can move the proposal onto the next phase (Debate).

If the proposal does not receive a simple majority, it is automatically rejected and a new LEAP must be re-introduced.

If the vote passes, the author and sponsor(s) decides the length of the Debate phase (capped at 14 days).

  1. Debate Phase:

This is where the LEAP begins to fully form. Here, the Council and community continue to discuss the LEAP in #dao-public comment.

Council and CCs have the right but not obligation to post their official opinions in a new channel called #council-floor (with a thread dedicated to each LEAP).

Note that only Council members and CC can comment in this channel. CC discussion should be focused on the LEAP’s implementation timelines, engineering resources needed and technical feasibility. CCs in particular should refine the proposal with respect to these goals.

More amendments can be proposed in this phase.

All LEAPs automatically progress to the next phase; the Council Phase.

At the end of the Debate phase, the author and sponsor(s) decides the length of the Council Phase (capped at 7 days).

  1. Council Phase:

Council communication and debate will continue to occur in #council-floor when deemed appropriate by Council members.

Amendments can still be made to the LEAP during this time.

At the end of the Council phase, the LEAP is put to a vote on snapshot.

If the vote fails to gain the votes required for approval, then it must repeat steps 1) through 3) again as a new LEAP.

In all 3 phases, the Council is responsible for enforcing the timelines specified by the LEAP author and sponsor(s).


As explained earlier, this proposal will streamline the process of governance and help the Lyra ecosystem to flourish. The addition of sponsors will also help guide the progress of the LEAP through debates and votes, as well as filter out poor proposals.

Technical Specification


Configurable Values

Maximum Proposal Phase Length - 14 days
Maximum Preliminary Phase Length - 14 days
Maximum Debate Phase Length - 14 days
Maximum Council Phase Length - 7 days

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